Explorando oportunidades de inversión en tecnología de IA.

¿Qué significa el surgimiento de la IA generativa para las inversiones en tecnología y otros sectores?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has become part of everyday life, making possible everything from the smart speaker that knows your favorite songs to the map app that shows you the fastest route to the beach. As remarkable as these innovations may seem, the real revolution in AI is just beginning, says Anjali Tagare, Equity Analyst for Regions Investment Management.

The recent emergence of a form of this technology known as generative AI could be as disruptive as the rise of the internet in the 1990s and the arrival of the iPhone in 2007. “Generative AI has the potential to touch all industries,” says Tagare.

IA predictiva vs. IA generativa

Until recently, much of what the world knew as AI took the form of so-called predictive AI, says Tagare. This type of AI performs statistical analysis of historical data to predict future outcomes. A familiar example is the autocomplete feature on a smartphone’s messaging app, which uses context and your past input to guess which word you are tapping out, then it flashes several choices allowing you to complete it with a tap.

What’s causing the current buzz has been the recent emergence of generative AI, which has been in development for years but made a splash in November 2022 when it became available to the general public. The AI-powered chatbots that have since gone online accept queries (or prompts) in plain language, scan unfathomable troves of data for answers and deliver humanlike responses.

“As its name suggests, generative AI can create content,” says Tagare. The type of content these chatbots generate appears to be limited only by the imaginations of users, which range from high school students using the tools to write book reports to scientists applying the technology to develop computer code or analyze the structure and behavior of proteins.

Investment opportunities

Analysts suggest the market for generative AI was about $14 billion in 2023, a figure that is expected to grow rapidly, with a compound annual growth rate of 31%, to roughly $152 billion by 2032. Generative AI can potentially spur growth in global gross domestic product by nearly $7 trillion (or 7%) over the next decade while boosting productivity by 1.5%.

Who will be the beneficiaries of this boom? And where do investment opportunities lie? Most pure-play companies developing generative AI-based platforms are privately held and supported by venture capital companies, which increased their investment in these firms from about $1.5 billion in 2020 to $4.5 billion in 2022, says Tagare. However, she adds, “there are other ways investors can have exposure to generative AI.”

Por ejemplo, las empresas que cotizan en bolsa que fabrican chips electrónicos complejos y altamente especializados llamados unidades de procesamiento de gráficos (GPU) están desempeñando un papel fundamental en el crecimiento de esta tecnología. "Estos chips son el corazón y el cerebro de la IA generativa", afirma Tagare. "No puede tenerlo sin GPU". A pesar de su nombre, las GPU hacen mucho más que ofrecer gráficos. Estos chips son capaces de procesar grandes cantidades de datos (rápidamente) y tienen otros beneficios que están ayudando a impulsar la revolución de la IA generativa. La mayor parte de la producción de GPU proviene de unas pocas empresas.

Another likely beneficiary of the generative AI boom will be software companies that are incorporating these powerful algorithms into their products. The largest software makers and sellers of software are best poised to leverage generative AI since these systems must be trained on massive amounts of data to produce accurate content. “You need a lot of data to train generative AI for it to have high accuracy,” says Tagare. “And large companies have access to large installed databases, so they will likely be among the initial beneficiaries of generative AI.”

3 considerations for AI investing. Is investing in a company in the generative AI market right for you? 1. Growth: Has the company maintained or improved its growth rate? Compare the past year with earnings statements from three to five years ago. 2. Valuation: What’s the company’s current trading price? You may want to invest in a company that’s undervalued, so that the valuation can grow. 3. Competition: Will the company you are considering be able to maintain its market share? Look at other companies that are working on similar technologies.

¿Qué otros sectores se benefician de la IA?

Además, el crecimiento de la IA generativa y tecnologías relacionadas será una bendición para muchos otros sectores. En el cuidado de la salud, por ejemplo, los hospitales ya están implementando IA generativa para automatizar tareas como la programación de las citas de los pacientes. Sin embargo, la IA generativa también podría promover la eficiencia y la innovación en las compañías farmacéuticas y biotecnológicas, permitiéndoles analizar rápidamente posibles fármacos candidatos, a fin de reducir el tiempo y el costo del desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos.

Los bancos y otras instituciones financieras también podrían beneficiarse de la IA generativa, señala Tagare. "Como mínimo, ayudará a agilizar la interacción con los clientes", explica. Pero también ha habido informes de modelos informáticos basados en IA generativa que ayudan con las carteras de inversiones. Además, actualmente se está implementando la IA generativa en sistemas de gestión de la cadena de suministro para mejorar la planificación y la adquisición, indica Tagare, por lo que su impacto podría sentirse en una gran variedad de sectores.

¿Se necesitan medidas de protección?

How fast the generative AI market grows could be influenced by outside forces, of course. In particular, regulations created by governments to help protect against potential misuses of AI, such as the spread of misinformation and threats to national security, could hamper its development. Tagare says regulations established in the European Union are an example of new guardrails on the development and use of AI.

"Si la regulación es demasiado restrictiva, podría evitar un crecimiento significativo de la IA generativa", indica Tagare. Sin embargo, en general, se muestra optimista sobre el potencial de esta tecnología transformadora. "Tiene el poder de cambiar la forma en que trabajamos y podría influir en todas las partes de la economía", señala Tagare. "La IA generativa está creando muchas nuevas oportunidades de inversión".

Hable con su asesor patrimonial de Regions acerca de:

  1. The insights in this article and Generative artificial intelligence: The next disruptive technology.
  2. Si las inversiones en IA serían adecuadas para su tolerancia de riesgo y sus objetivos.

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