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Regions LifeGreen® Savings
CD Account

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con los siguientes nombres Regions LifeGreen® Savings, CD Account.

Regions LifeGreen® Savings
Learn More Open Now
CD Account
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For you if...

For you if... For you if...You have a Regions checking account[1] and want to save money and earn interest with no monthly fee, no minimum balance requirement and a bonus opportunity[2].For you if...You want a Certificate of Deposit that earns a competitive rate and provides a predictable return with minimal risk[7].Vaciar celda

Fees and requirements

Monthly fee Monthly fee$0 monthly fee if you have a Regions checking account[1]. You must have a Regions checking account or the account converts to a regular Savings account with a $5 monthly fee. Please refer to Pricing Schedule for more details about the account and other fees.Monthly feeN/A. Please refer to Pricing Schedule for more details about the account.Vaciar celda
Account eligibility Account eligibilityYou must have a Regions checking account[1].Account eligibilityN/AVaciar celda
Minimum opening deposit Minimum opening deposit$50 OR $5 when opened over the phone or in a branch if you set up an automatic recurring monthly savings transfer from a Regions checking account[1].Minimum opening deposit$2,500 for CDs with terms of 7-89 days.

$500 for CDs with terms of 90 days or longer.
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Excessive withdrawal/Item fee Excessive withdrawal/Item fee$3 per withdrawal or transfer in excess of three per month[3].Excessive withdrawal/Item feeEarly withdrawal of funds may result in substantial penalty.Vaciar celda

Statement options

Vaciar celdaStatement OptionsAccess to Online Statements with Regions Online Banking[4]undefinedN/AVaciar celda

Available terms

Vaciar celdaAvailable termsN/AAvailable terms7 days to 72 monthsVaciar celda

How interest is calculated

Vaciar celdaHow interest is calculatedCompounded daily, paid monthly on collected balances. Check ratesHow interest is calculated

Compounded daily and paid according to the terms of the CD: Monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or at maturity.

If the term is one year or greater, the interest is credited to the account quarterly unless interest disbursements are set up.

Interest disbursements allow you to have the interest that your Regions CD earns automatically transferred to your Regions checking, savings or money market account.

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Overdraft protection

Vaciar celdaOverdraft ProtectionCan be used as Overdraft Protection for your Regions checking account.Overdraft ProtectionN/AVaciar celda

Benefits and features

Vaciar celdaBenefits and features1% annual savings bonus up to $100[2] if you set up month automated savings transfers from your Regions checking account.

30% discount on one safe deposit box rental with an additional 10% discount if payment is set up for auto debit from a Regions account.

Access to Online Banking [4]

Access to Mobile Banking[6]

Benefits and featuresCan be automatically renewable. At maturity, the CD may renew for the same term automatically at the market rate at that time.

Security of FDIC Insurance coverage up to the maximum amount permitted by law.

Access to Online Banking[4]

Access to Mobile Banking[6]

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Regions LifeGreen® Savings

You have a Regions checking account and want to save money and earn interest with no monthly fee, no minimum balance requirement and a bonus opportunity.

Learn More Open Now
CD Account

You want a Certificate of Deposit that earns a competitive rate and provides a predictable return with minimal risk.

Learn More Visit a Branch