Cómo calcular el flujo de efectivo
Getting your spending under control and in line with your income is an essential element to building a strong financial future. Analyze your spending (including what you put on a credit card) each month to make sure your cash flow is greater than what you spend. Once you've got that under control, consider placing what extra you have every month in savings. You'll never know when you'll need it, and it’s better to take money out of a savings account to pay for unanticipated expenses rather than adding it to a credit card balance.
Use este calculador para calcular su flujo de efectivo.
How to use this calculator
Cambie los números en todos los campos ingresando cifras nuevas o ajústelos con los controles deslizantes. Después de ingresar los datos en los campos correspondientes, los resultados de la calculadora actualizarán automáticamente el resumen de estado de cuenta y la tabla.